Silke's first solo publication documents her journey of grief over the loss of her husband, the poet Norman Morrissey, in 2017. Her tribute to him is entitled Greater Matter - A Journey of Poems to Death and Beyond, and was published in association with Poetree Publications in 2019. Soon thereafter, Silke was prompted to assemble unassuming house and garden poem pairs. The book that resulted is entitled Sweet Nothings. It includes 35 empty pages encouraging the reader to find peace by means of the writerly process. Since then, she has created two new manuscripts, and numerous new poems, as she composes almost daily. In the past few years, she has focused on caring for her elderly parents, both suffering from dementia, so she was unable to fulfil her intentions to publish more. Since October 2024, she has been working on a book about the Hiku Hikes, which she hopes to launch at the 21st Literature Heritage Ecology Conference in March this year.
The wonderful Give Your Writing the Edge newsletter archive is currently only available on request - please email [email protected] - but you will find helpful writing tips on this website, among the Nuggets.
This was a space where Silke dreamed her dreams, spoke her mind, shared her journey and sometimes disappeared from - a sign that she was enjoying her solitude. In July 2021, she took a sabbatical from regular postings, in order to focus on a new relationship, as well as care for her elderly parents and their affairs, but recently, she is publishing blogposts more frequently again.